Reset offers massage therapy in Clive and Ankeny to supplement the chiropractic care. This is a hands-on massage that takes 1 hour. We have multiple types of massage to fit any need. Our licensed Massage Therapists are practiced professionals that provide a calming, relaxing, and excellent experience.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy helps relax the muscles. It feels great and will help break down any build-ups of toxins in the body.
This will also help with the adjustments, and getting you in the best alignments more easily.
This is a list of the top 10 of The Message Therapy Associations list on 25 of the many benefits of Message Therapy for the full list click here:
- Relieve stress
- Relieve postoperative pain
- Reduce anxiety
- Manage low-back pain
- Help fibromyalgia pain
- Reduce muscle tension
- Enhance exercise performance
- Relieve tension headaches
- Sleep better
- Ease symptoms of depression
How it's Done
Massage Therapy is done at Reset with a clinical approach by licensed therapists who are highly trained. You can trust your health care providers to use their knowledge and expertise in helping you with chronic pain, inflammation, muscle fatigue, pain management, etc. Massage can be beneficial for emotional, physical, and stress related issues.
Please contact us today for pricing.